Coleman’s Hatch Horticultural Society
Annual General Meeting, Monday 7th November, 2022
The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and giving some reflections on the achievements of the past year, including the Open Gardens and the idea to change seasons each year and the Summer and Autumn Shows. The Agenda of the meeting then began.
Apologies for absence were received from: Laura Coyte, Emma Richardson, Julie Anthony, Beverley Jones, Trevor and Janette Everest, Wendy and Graham Scott, Jane Hopkins, Caroline and Tony Daszewska, Bonnie Lamont, Tamsin and Guy Timpson, Liza and Mike Jones, Millie Charters and Ollie Perceval.
The Minutes of last year’s AGM were accepted.
There were no matters arising
The Chair spoke of her pending resignation and reiterated she would always be a friend of the Society. She urged volunteers to come to join the Committee.
The Secretary outlined her duties for the past year and announced the resignation of Bonnie Lamont and Laura Coyte from the Committee during the course of the year. She was delighted that Emma Richardson had re-joined the Committee and Ollie and Sarah Percival and Frank Dean had also joined. She also asked for new members from the floor.
The Treasurer gave a report on the Accounts, which had been circulated prior to the meeting. These were agreed. Overall, there was a profit of £1775 for the year. There was a question about the plant stall and the expense versus the income. It was reported that there were lots of plants left unsold at the end. A suggestion that we should not charge a gate fee for the Summer Show can be discussed at Committee level but responses generally were that we should retain this as it was the biggest single generator of monies and without that almost no profit would have been shown. As a meeting we decided to donate £1200 to the Friends of Ashdown Forest from our profits this year.
Eve formally announced her resignation and, in her absence that of Beverley Jones.
The remainder of the Committee were re-elected. Margaret, as Treasurer requested an assistant to help oversee the finances. Anne subsequently offered to fill this role. Steve de Vriendt and Steve Price kindly volunteered to join the Committee and were duly sworn in!
Under AOB, the suggestion was that net year we do the Open Garden in the Spring. The suggestion was that it begins a bit later at 12.00, although Anne reported she had had a steady flow of ticket sales earlier. Other suggestion was that not every garden needed a marshal. One idea was that every garden is allocated a marshal at the beginning and that he/she could retire if the owner so wished. Committee will firm up in January.
Date of next Committee Meeting: Tuesday 17th January, 2023, 7.30 in Trinity Hall