Coleman's Hatch Horticultural Society
 Coleman's Hatch Horticultural Society   

CHHS statement on sustanable and eco-friendly gardening


One of the Society’s objectives is ‘to promote the study of horticulture, particularly in the area of Colemans Hatch, which is sympathetic to the needs of local flora and fauna’.


With this in mind, we will be exploring a range of ideas for how to do this. One of the simplest and most rewarding will be to share the best practice that is already happening. Look out for some of our case studies which we will post here over the coming year.


Links to useful information 

Babylon Eco Centre is passionate about protecting the local environment, sustainability and reducing our environmental impact. At the Babylon Eco Centre, you can get inspiration for your garden in The Nursery set around the two hundred metre long greenhouse or attend a whole range of events and talks that are frequently held. Visit their website for details and much more information.

We are beginning to forge good links with Babylon and committee members have attended several talks. We have also invited their team to become contributors to our own programme of events. Watch this space for further details.


Upcoming events you might like:

May 30th Richard Morriss -Pippingford Estate Company - what makes Ashdown Forest so special for his family and thousands of visitors.


June 27th Holly Morris  - Butterbox Farm and the local community - high animal welfare, farming in harmony with nature and maintaining the land for future generations.


July 25th Christy Jordan - Mousehall Country Estate - three generations making outstanding wine in South Africa and the UK.





10 ways to be more sustainable in your garden



Environmetally friendlY- GARDENING: 10 TOP TIPS




Gardening for wildlife


Your garden is a mini nature reserve! Learn how to make it a great home for wildlife.

Aidan Bell shares tips on how to create a sustainable garden, considering pest control, composting, low-maintenance gardening and more